
руководитель имя существительное:
голова (head, brain, loaf, pate, noggin, poll)
руководитель (head, leader, manager, director, supervisor, chief)
глава (chapter, head, section, chief, leader, principal)
головка (head, CAP, knob, capitulum, pommel)
начальник (chief, head, Superior, director, commander, supervisor)
заголовок (heading, headline, caption, head, banner, TOPIC)
изголовье (head, bedhead, head of the bed)
ум (mind, intelligence, intellect, wit, brain, head)
кочан (head, loaf)
нос (nose, prow, head, snout, neb, naze)
крышка (cap, cover, lid, case, bonnet, head)
бабка (head, pastern, stock, chestnut, old wife, knucklebone)
пена (foam, froth, scum, lather, head, spume)
верхняя часть (head, topping)
шляпка (cap, head)
вождь (leader, chief, chieftain, head, headman, dux)
человек (Man, person, human, individual, human being, head)
верхушка (top, tip, Apex, head, cap, cop)
гальюн (latrine, head)
передняя часть (forepart, nose, head, forehead)
отдел (department, division, branch, desk, group, head)
набалдашник (knob, head)
боек (peen, head)
перед (front, head)
капитель (cap, small capitals, head)
крона (Crown, krone, krona, dollar, head, crownpiece)
мыс (cape, headland, promontory, point, Ness, head)
гидростатический напор (head)
рубрика (heading, rubric, head, bracket)
обух (butt, head, BACK)
котелок (bowler, pot, kettle, bowler hat, derby, head)
кризис (crisis, slump, brunt, acme, head, turning-point)
ведущее положение (head)
наркоман (addict, drug addict, junkie, narcomaniac, freak, head)
давление столба жидкости (head)
голова скота (head)
руда (ore, mineral, head, heads)
замочный камень (head)
назревшая головка нарыва (head)
нос корабля (bow, rostrum, head, stem)
сливки (cream, plum, head)
лицевая сторона монеты (head)
исток реки (fountain, springhead, head)
руководящее положение (headship, head)
шляпка гвоздя (head, nail-head)
верхний брус дверной коробки (head)
верхний брус оконной коробки (head)
черенок (stalk, cutting, stem, shank, graft, head)
кризис болезни (head)
нужник (can, John, head)
перелом болезни (head)
топ (head)
способности (aptitude, part, head)
прибыль (profit, income, earnings, gain, return, head)
концентрат (concentrate, head)
имя прилагательное:
головной (head, cephalic, leading, nose, cranial, advance)
главный (main, major, chief, principal, head, primary)
старший (senior, older, elder, head, major, superior)
передний (front, anterior, forward, head, fore, foremost)
встречный (counter, head, meeting, foul)
возглавлять (lead, head, chair, spearhead, forge, crown)
направлять (guide, head, direct, destine, refer, route)
направляться (head, go, tend, make, make for, strike)
держать курс (head, stand, Cape)
вести (lead, conduct, keep, Guide, drive, head)
играть головой (head)
озаглавливать (headline, entitle, head, intitule)
брать начало (originate, spring, stem, head)
отбивать мяч головой (head)
формировать (form, shape, mold, troop, head, texture)
завиваться (curl, frizzle, head, frizzle up, crisp, bulb up)
служить заглавием (head)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "head" в других словарях:

  • Head — (h[e^]d), n. [OE. hed, heved, heaved, AS. he[ a]fod; akin to D. hoofd, OHG. houbit, G. haupt, Icel. h[ o]fu[eth], Sw. hufvud, Dan. hoved, Goth. haubi[thorn]. The word does not correspond regularly to L. caput head (cf. E. {Chief}, {Cadet},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • head — [hed] n. [ME hede, heved < OE heafod, akin to Ger haupt (OHG houbit, Goth haubith) < IE base * kaput (orig. prob. cup shaped) > L caput: merged in Gmc with word akin to OHG hūba, a cap, crest (Ger haube) < IE base * keu , to bend,… …   English World dictionary

  • head — ► NOUN 1) the upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of the body of an animal, containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs. 2) a person in charge; a director or leader. 3) the front, forward, or upper part or end of something …   English terms dictionary

  • Head — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Anthony Head (* 1954), englischer Schauspieler Antony Head, 1. Viscount Head (1906–1983), britischer Brigadegeneral der British Army sowie Politiker der Conservative Party Barclay V. Head (1844–1914),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Head — (h[e^]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Headed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Heading}.] 1. To be at the head of; to put one s self at the head of; to lead; to direct; to act as leader to; as, to head an army, an expedition, or a riot. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Head On — may refer to: * Head on collision, a type of vehicular collision. * Head On (album), a 1975 album by Bachman Turner Overdrive * Head On , a song originally recorded by The Jesus and Mary Chain and covered by the Pixies * Head On Memories of the… …   Wikipedia

  • head-on — adv 1.) crash/collide/smash etc head on if two vehicles crash etc head on, the front part of one vehicle hits the front part of the other 2.) if someone deals with a problem head on, they do not try to avoid it, but deal with it in a direct and… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • head-on — adj. 1. characterized by direct opposition; as, a head on confrontation. Syn: head to head. [WordNet 1.5] 2. Without evasion or compromise; as, his usual head on fashion; to meet a problem head on. Syn: downright, flat footed, forthright,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • head — [adj] most important; chief arch, champion, first, foremost, front, highest, leading, main, pioneer, preeminent, premier, prime, principal, stellar, supreme, topmost; concepts 568,574 Ant. auxiliary, inferior, lower, second, secondary, trivial,… …   New thesaurus

  • Head On — Entwickler Sega/Gremlin Publisher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • head-on — head on1 or ,head on adverb 1. ) if two vehicles crash head on, the front of one vehicle hits the front of the other 2. ) if you deal with a problem head on, you deal with it in a very direct way head on ,head on 2 adjective a head on crash is… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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